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 Sac Valley Guitar

What we do ...

Music Lessons


Sac Valley Guitar is proud to offer students of all levels lessons in guitar, bass, banjo, and ukulele. Our instructors have more than thirty years of experience playing and teaching their music in many assorted styles, from classical guitar, to rock, blues, country, punk, and heavy metal and more.


Learn to Play & Record Music


Learn how to record in a studio with Pro Tools! Our students can learn Pro Tools in a fun, personalized, one-on-one environment.



Rock Steady Band Camp


Our Rock Steady Band Camp programs makes it easy to test your skills, learn to rehearse, perform, and record with other musicians in a band type atmosphere. Rock Steady Band Camp gives students' insight to the music business, how to write songs, and how to record music in a studio.


Purchase Equipment at a Discount


​Sac Valley Guitar offers music accessories at a discount, including guitar strings, guitar straps, guitar stands,

tuners, metronomes and picks. We offer affordable electric guitars and a line of fine handcrafted classical guitars. Our

guitar and amp repair services feature reasonable rates and a quick turnaround to get you playing again!



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Our Team

Eric Morrison


Eric is a music teacher, coach and the founder of Sac Valley Guitar. He teaches several genres of guitar, and bass and has actively coached bands of the Rock Steady Band Camp since 2010. He has over  35 years experience in the music industry as a player and instructor . 

Young Man with Checkerd Shirt

Rich Shepherd





Rich Shepherd has more than 35 years of playing experience, taking him all over the United States and abroad. Rich set out as a drummer, receiving education in several styles before embarking on a pro career. Fascinated with the inner workings of the rhythm section, Rich explored guitar and bass along the way. While his drumming career came to a close in the late '90s his interest in guitar, bass and songwriting fluoresced.  Rich enjoys, studies and teaches just about every style of music for guitar and bass. He offers fundamental instruction on ukulele and banjo. Rich has been guiding aspiring musicians since 1989.

Tom Frost

Rock Steady Band Coach

Tom is a drum instructor and Rock Steady Band Camp coach. He has been playing the drums for over 25 years and teaching them for 20 years. He has  been a Rock Steady Band Camp coach since 2010.

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Sac Valley Guitar

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